FORScan Warning: Some Functions May Not Be Available or Not Work Properly
The latest version of FORScan had added measures to limit functionalities on certain ELM327 products.
When using the latest version of FORScan, you will likely get a warning saying: "The adapter is NOT recommeded for this car - some FORScan functions may not be available or not work properly."
These measures were implemented to address the issues relating to low-quality ELM327 products that do not adhere to the FORScan standards. It has not affected the performance of our OHP ELMconfig OBD2 USB Adapter. Our adapter should continue to work as it was designed to do. We’re currently monitoring the situation and have reached out to the FORScan team for feedback.
If ever you’ve experienced issues connecting or accessing certain functionalities with the FORScan software, please send us an email at